Monday, December 3, 2012

Disney World Trip - Epcot

Our day at Epcot was a LOT of fun. If you've never been, Epcot is kind of two parks in one. The front half is dedicated to advances in technology/education about the earth divided into 'land', 'air', and 'sea'. There is a lot of futuristic stuff and some fun rides. The back half of the park has a big pond and around the pond are pavilions representing different countries. These each have things to do or see and food from that country. Most of the pavilion workers are actually from each country. As a kid I remember thinking the countries were fun, but only wanted to do a quick walk by. As an adult it was a lot more fun to 'eat our way around the world.' I took a lot of pictures at Epcot so I tired to narrow it down to the best ones...but this post is still going to be picture heavy. So let's drive in...

On the bus from our resort to the park there was a very tired little boy sitting in front of us. No joke, he just sat there and stared at us the WHOLE way there. It became quite humorous after we waved and the kid was so tired he just kept staring. Pretty much how I feel in the morning before my coffee.
We got to the park soon after it opened. Our game plan was to do all the big rides we liked on the front half of the park, then take our time eating our way through the countries at the back half of the park, before returning to the front half for anything we missed. The 'extra magic hours' we got as a resort guest let us stay in the park after it 'closed' that night. When we got there we immediately went and got a fast pass for 'Soarin'. It's a ride that makes you feel like your hang-gliding over California. It's the most popular ride in the park and a lot of fun. If you visit Epcot I suggest you get the fast pass right away before they're all gone.
I don't have much else to share about our time at the front end of the park, around lunch time we were ready to start our trip 'around the world'. First stop was the big Christmas tree in the center of Epcot. I asked a passing guest if they could take our picture. Apparently I have a talent for asking people who don't speak English and then having to mime out my request. It's quite humorous.
The first country we visited was Mexico.
Mexico has the big pyramid you can go inside along with some restaurants.
The Nachos were pretty good! We were pleasantly surprised. As Texans we know good Mexican food. ;)

LJ, why is your hat so tiny?

If you're visiting without kids you need to stop in here. It's inside the pyramid and they have excellent margaritas.
Next stop: Norway

I love the grass growing on the roof! I wish my house had that...though it would look a little out of place.
I love this picture of LJ being a reminds me of...
Sir Kay in Sword in the Stone. Don't their expressions look similar?
Of course, we both had to be scary Vikings
Norway only has a real sit down restaurant and since we had just had nachos we didn't eat anything in this country. We did ride their "Maelstrom" ride though, which is a boat ride through scenes from their history (but really it's mostly viking stuff).

After Norway is China:

"Hey LJ, let me take a picture of you in front of China"

"No! FACE me and SMILE!"
I love my husband...
Here's LJ summoning an un-dead army in the China museum

There was also a little show with acrobats.

But this guy was the most entertaining by far...dude can catch so many bowls. :)
Next came Germany (my favorite):
The buildings in Germany remind me SO much of my trip to the real thing.

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE - I am hugging the door to the Caramel Shop in Germany

SO hard to choose just one... so we ended up getting two things.

We got the fresh caramel popcorn, which was my favorite food item of the trip, along with a gigantic Turtle.

Later we came back to Germany so LJ could get a beer. The pavilion was starting to light up for the evening and it was so pretty!

Next on our tour was Italy:
I've never been to the real Italy, but from pictures it looks very authentic.

Very pretty!

The only places to eat here are also nice sit down restaurants, so we took in the comedy show for a little while before moving on ('s not very funny...)
Then we come to America:
LJ and I went and saw the "American Adventure" and while it had some neat stuff, it was a little to "AMERICA!!!" even for us... :)

"LJ, make a 'Don't Tread On Me' Face!" (my husband puts up with a lot of this from me)
Onto Japan:
In Japan we got some Edamame... needed a little bit healthier of a snack.

While we were eating the sun started to set.
After Japan came Morocco:
I realize now that I didn't take a picture of what the pavilion for Morocco looked like. Apparently I was too distracted by the belly-dancer:
You can kind of see the decor here. Lots of beautiful mosaics.
After Morocco the next pavilion is France...but we skipped it so we could get LJ something to eat in United Kingdom:
It was too dark for taking a picture of the whole pavilion, but this gives you an idea of what it looks like. It reminded me of our Honeymoon.

We got LJ food at Rose & Crown pub. It was the only place in the park where I didn't see anyone with kids.

LJ got the English Bulldog. One of his favorites of our trip.

This is what it looked like.

I really enjoyed the little 'rock concert' where a band played covers of many famous British artists.
After UK we backtracked back to France:
Picture of France Pavilion, which was a lot prettier in person. The Eiffel Tower is in the background, but you can't actually get close to it.

We had to eat at the French Bakery. :) LJ had a Chocolate Eclair and I tried one of these Sacristians...SO good. It was like a cinnamon twist with chocolate chips twisted into it.

The streets definitely look like Paris...someday I'll go back and LJ will be able to come!
 Lastly we visited the Canada pavilion.
The only place to eat there is a steak house and the only thing to do is watch a video. There was actually a wedding going on back in the big stone structure. I'd never thought about it but I bet they do weddings in the different Pavilions all the time.

That concluded our walk through the back half of Epcot. By the time we finished it was time for the fireworks show. To be honestly, they weren't nearly as good as the show in Magic Kingdom. After the show we spent some time checking out the rides we'd skipped in front half of Epcot that morning. The 'sea' area has a pretty neat Nemo ride where you get to see Nemo characters projected into fish tanks with real fish. It looks pretty neat. At the end are huge tanks with dolphins and others with sharks and sea turtles. Definitely worth stopping by, especially if you have little ones.

I believe Epcot was the only day we spent fully at a park. There is a lot to see and do...and eat. :) Oh, for those of you who have little ones, they've added some interactive checkpoints at the Pavilions. You can get a devise that looks like a cell phone from this building towards the front of Epcot and it will interact with the check points. It sends the kids on 'missions' to find things in each country. I think this is was pretty smart of Disney, I know I would have liked it as a kid. :)

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