Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Home Tour: Jan 2012

I've decided it's a good idea to give you all a full home tour at least once a year. I think it will help recap what we've done. It's kind of cool for me to look back at our first home tour and see how different things already are. (Notice I've added a "Our Home" Tab to the black bar at the top of the screen, if you ever want to refresh your memory).

Let's start out with the floor plan again:

The most obvious difference is the flooring. :) SO nice to have that done!

Ok, I'm going to try and do this in the same order as last time.... shall we? :)


Not much has really changed here, except for the upgraded door knob and the laminate step down into our formal living room. I have a good idea of what I want to do in this space... just need to find the right pieces of furniture and the right paint colors. 

Formal Living Room and Dining Room:
The dining room hasn't had a lot of changes since we painted, but I'm on the constant hunt for the perfect hutch. I've also bought spray-paint to use on that chandelier... you heard right, I'm going to make that sucker a different color. I just have to figure out how to get it off the wall. Hmmmmm...
Ok, we don't normally have a lit up ceiling in our Formal Living Room... but I took these pictures right after our NYE party and we hadn't taken them down yet. But check out those beautiful floors! :) Can you tell I'm still shocked we finally got them done?

Ok, onto the Den/Living Room (sorry, I know I switch back and forth on what I call this room):

 This is a good shot because you can see how this room connects to the entry way and formal living room. And you can see I have a few new pillows! I love throw pillows and I can't wait to fill this couch up! The pillows bring in some much needed color to this room. 
 It's really hard to get a good picture from this side of the room when the sun is shining through that big window, but this gives you and idea of what the room looks like when you first walk into it through the entry way. You can also see how those beautiful beams on the ceiling have become a focal point now that the walls are white. 
 And you can see that I still haven't gotten around to painting those drawers... whoops! You may also have noticed that our TV has moved. We moved it in front of the fireplace during our NYE party so we could open up those doors allowing people to move freely throughout the whole house. We kind of liked the openness and so now we're living with the TV to the side for a while. If we end up liking it there I think we might mount it over the fireplace. I'm still torn on where it should end up. Luckily we've got so much else to do that we don't have to make a decision about this any time soon. 
And in this picture you can see we've gotten some book cases into the formal living room. Which is great because LJ and I have an ungodly amount of books... I don't even want to know how many books we'll own when we're retired. 

 Our breakfast area, not much to report here. I've put some cook books on the ledge along with a few wedding pictures. And of course there's a giant cooler in here right now because we have no where else to put it. Eventually I'm sure it will find a home in the garage, but our garage is covered in saw dust from the flooring ordeal so I don't want anything out there until we have time to clean it up.
The kitchen itself just looks a tad more crowded. See, LJ and I had a bunch of boxes in storage still and we finally finished unpacking everything just before New Years. So now all of my kitchen gadgets are trying to find long term homes. 
 And our pantry still doesn't close all the way because of the bubble in the flooring... we need to fix that soon. 

Half Bath:
 All we've really done is take down the first layer of wallpaper...

...except for my little towel, looks like it's right out of the 60's.

First Bedroom - Study:
Ok y'all, here's where things get real. While I do pick up a room before I take pictures of it, so you can see what it looks like without an empty glass here or a dirty sock there, I try not to change it too much from what it looks like on a day to day basis. And our study looks like it was hit by a paper hurricane on a day to day basis:

There are papers EVERYWHERE. You wouldn't believe how much paper buying a home generates. Not only are there important documents to keep track of, but you get 5 times the amount of mail every day. Anyways, I'm in the middle of a big sorting/revising my filing system project so that's how it looks. Hey, at least I'm honest!

Second Bedroom - Future Nursery:

 We've been using it as a temporary guest bedroom. This one will change soon as setting up the nursery is on my high priority list.

Hall Bathroom:
 Not much change here, except for the show head.
And I can't believe we're living with only one tiny little shelf each for all our bathroom stuff. I guess you can get used to anything. Though I'm always looking for a piece of furniture that will give us some storage while being able to handle the humidity in this room. 

Half Bedroom - Craft Room:
Remember how I said we unpacked everything? Well it was like Hobby Lobby exploded up in here...
 The old blinds are gone but I haven't hung the new ones yet so I'm using artwork to block our neighbors view into our house (I know, kinda ghetto). 
And my neat little shelves are now packed. And did I mention I have boxes of other craft supplies in an extra closet? I'm starting to seriously wonder how I ever went without a craft room in the past. Where did I put all this stuff when we had a one bedroom apartment?

Third Bedroom - Future Guest Bedroom:
So, you may remember I used to say this was our future gym. Well, while that sounds awesome, it would also cost a lot to set up... and right now there are so many other projects that are more important. So now I think we'll set it up as a guest bedroom, at least for a while. We're thinking of moving the futon from the study into this room and leaving it permanently unfolded so it looks like a bed. But for now, it's just nice to have the floor done. 
(In case you don't remember, those folding doors lead to the Den).

Master Bedroom:
I can't show you the whole bedroom because I'm working on a project that isn't quite ready to reveal, but I can show you some new additions to the room:
 The first addition is the exercise bike we bought for Christmas.  I know the location may seem a little strange, but the bike faces the TV on the other side of the room. It's nice to be able to watch TV while riding, and I'd rather have the bike in here than in the middle of our Living Room. Luckily, LJ doesn't mind having it on his side of the bed.
The other new addition is on my side of the bed. See it peeking out behind the dresser? 
It's the print I got for Christmas!
I still love it, and it's the first thing I see each morning. I need some more artwork on this wall to balance it out, but for now it's perfect. :)

Well, that's it for now! If going through the house did anything it taught me two things:
1) We've come a long way! It's crazy to see how much has changed since the last tour.
2) We still have a LONG way to go. The longer I live here the more plans I have. And to think, I used to wonder if I'd run out of projects to share!

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