Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Project 10: Taking Down the Wallpaper in the Half Bath

This is yet another Labor Day post. I feel like I'm going to writing about last Labor Day until the next one comes around... but anyways...

Our half bath came with some interesting wall paper on top:

For those of you that read my home tour post you may remember me saying that I wanted to get rid of the wall paper and paint that portion of the wall. Well, on Labor Day weekend my Mother-In-Law was nice enough to start taking down the wallpaper. Guess what she found...more wallpaper! I actually think this is a slight improvement. Only problem is it makes me a little dizzy to look at it for too long.

She started to peel off this wallpaper but it is STUCK. Instead of coming off nicely, it flakes to tiny little bits. We're wondering if the builders put it straight onto the drywall, instead of finishing the walls before putting up the wallpaper. So now it's just on hold. We're going to have to figure out what to do. Any ideas? We've gotten a suggestion to score the paper with a blade and wet it down and scrape it off. That sounds like it might work, but it also sounds like if it doesn't we'll be in a lot more trouble. Heck I'm tempted to just find wallpaper that's cute to put over it...

Any good ideas out there?

1 comment:

  1. they have these little circle scorers out there, you just roll them around the wall like you're washing your car with a sponge and it makes a billion little holes in the paper. then you get a wall steamer (rent is the cheaper option, but if youve got tons of wall paper, maybe buy?) then you fill it up and steam it one section at a time. you just hold the steam end over the paper for a while until its saturated and then use a scraper to take that saturated chunk off. its time intensive, i recommend putting down plastic first, it will get really sticky with the glue so i also recommend latex cleaning gloves (like your mom maybe wore to do the dishes?) and lastly, you will get lots of clumps of glue and in some places the drywall paper will come off too, so plan on doing a little spackling and sanding when its all over. its not hard, just time intensive and not very fun. theres also a chemical option, where you rub this chemical on and it like eats through the glue, but i dont really recommend that stuff because its toxic and smells awful and it can get to weird consistencies and its hard to apply, but if you want to try that route, i'd love to read about it! hope this helps!
