Friday, September 21, 2012

Welcome to the Family Jenni!!!

I'm interrupting my normal blog topics to bring you something way more exciting...

My little brother, Alex, got engaged last night! I couldn't be happier for Alex and Jenni, they obviously were designed for one another. I'm excited Alex found someone who will care for him and walk through life with him. I absolutely LOVE being married and I know Alex will too. 

Here's a picture of when they walked in the door and she saw her family was there:
On top of being excited for them, I'm also pretty excited for me. I like Jenni a lot and I'm excited I'll get to call her Sister the rest of my life. She's the type of person that brings joy and cheer everywhere she goes. She's got style, a great sense of humor, obvious love for others and she even snorts when she laughs (so I'm not the only one drawing stares!). She' beautiful on the inside and out and just the type of person everyone instantly likes. 

Most importantly she loves God and obviously loves her family. She and Alex are going to be such a great married couple. I know they'll be committed to one another and to mutual encouragement and growth. I couldn't have hand picked a better woman for my brother. He's one of my favorite people in this world so I'm glad he now has a wonderful partner to share life with. 
And heck, these two are going to make GORGEOUS children ;)  (tall too!) 

So glad to have you as part of the family, Jenni! Alex, you know how to pick'em! I love you both and I'm excited to see how God grows two people into one.

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