Monday, September 24, 2012

I Love Lamp

I ran to Marshall's the other day and found some great stuff. I specifically went in looking for a lamp, and they had some great options. This is how I tend to shop: I take a picture, send it to a friend, walk around awhile without the item and if it is still there and I still like it and my friend likes it I end up taking it home. I try not to just gab and purchase; I find it's the way I end up with stuff I don't need.

So when I saw this lamp, I took a picture and sent it to LJ and a friend:
(Like the fingers at the top? I'm an excellent photographer)
I liked this lamp because it has a great shape and height and doesn't look like an old lady lamp. It looks similar to a lamp I've seen at High Fashion Home (favorite furniture store in Houston) only this one was $30, not $300.

I walked around for a while and thought about where I would put this guy while I looked up and down the other home goods aisles. After 30 mins I still wanted it so it came home with me. I also have a rule that I don't use a cart, I just carry stuff with me. It keeps me from buying too much. :) So, at the end of my trip, this is what I ended up with:
From left to right: Toilet paper roll holder (practical buy), cute napkins (because we host stuff a lot, so any time I see cute napkins for cheap I just snap them up), a cullender the shade of blue I want to paint our Kitchen walls (not sure what to do with this guy yet, but he is SO cute!), and my new lamp.

So, where did the lamp end up? Well, our bed is pretty dang high, so much so that our night stands now look like miniatures.  This means my old reading lamp I used to use on the night stand doesn't quite work anymore:
See how it aims right at the mattress instead of the height I would hold a book?  My new lamp fights this spot MUCH better. The height goes a lot better with our monster of a bed:
(Oh look! It magically cleared off all the junk on my night stand! Too bad it didn't clean off the floor!)

Where did I put the reading lamp? On LJ's night stand of course! haha. I need to find a replacement for it sometime soon, but now I have at least one side done!

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