Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Finding Inspiration - What I'm Reading Lately

I find inspiration in many places; some of them are other blogs. I thought I'd share the blogs I've been reading lately with you. 

Young House Love
This is the first blog I started reading on a daily basis. If you don't already know about this one you should check it out. I think after looking at it, it's pretty obvious it has impacted my own. I really like how this married couple does almost everything themselves and the way they let their personality show through all their posts. If I had a criticism, it would only be from a design perspective I think they often add too much extra stuff. Like, I'll love a room as is, and then they will add more and more little decor pieces. This is all just personal preference, not an actual design flaw. I just lean more towards the minimalist camp than they do. But I still love a lot of their ideas and overall style. There have been multiple times where they do something I had already mentally planned on now it's going to look like I copied them, oh well!

Room Fu Blog
This is a blog by an interior designer in Austin and she has a great eye. I like how she'll hunt through the latest magazine and post what she thinks are the best findings. Saves me a lot of time! ;)  I just wish she lived in Houston instead of Austin, as she does a lot of posts about local stuff.  Right now she's doing a Guest Bedroom makeover give-away and I SOOOO wish I could enter.

House of Turquoise
This blog continues to surprise me. It's seriously a blog dedicated to houses that decorate with Turquoise. I swear I had no clue you could find so many houses to post pictures of! I would have run out of content after posting pics of my own house. :)  Anyways, a lot of the houses she shows are beach homes (because the use a lot of blue) in the lets just say their decor is a little out of my price range. BUT that doesn't mean the houses can't serve as inspiration. Often times when I think my color choice might be too bold I take a look at houses on this blog and my courage is renewed. I just wish she'd show some smaller poorer homes more often!


Pretty famous blog, posts multiple times a day about all different types of design. This one provides so much content I don't really read it, I just look at the pictures. Normally I look at the new posts in Google Reader about twice a week. There will be about 20 new posts to go through and I just take one look at the first picture and know if it's something I find interesting. In about 20 posts I'll normally find 1 or 2 that I'll stop and really take a longer look at. But sometimes that's what inspiration is about; you ingest as much information as possible and wait for something to spark your interest.

Do you read any good blogs? Anything I should add to my list? I'm like 10 years behind on jumping on the blog reading train, but that's just how I roll. :)

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