Monday, October 22, 2012

Halloween/Fall Decorations - Ideas

So, after my last post about not doing anything to decorate for fall I felt a little depressed. So I went out and bought some pumpkins. I realized those are thrown out every year anyways so there is no reason not to buy them this year. :) I got 9 at the Randall's close by for about $10; one medium and 8 little baby pumpkins. I put one in the doorway:

And the rest on the mantel and dining room box window (I would put them on the actual dining room table, but my super secret work project is currently on that table. I'll have to show you it after Halloween is over.)

Since I'm not doing much though, I thought I'd share some unique ideas I found on (man, I love that site!) It wont let me download the photos so I took a screen shot of my ideabook for you. I'll go over them top to bottom, left to right:

1. The little mice running up and down the stairs are so cute! I think they are a kit, since i've seen them on other stairs. However, I bet you could recreate this with black contact paper.
2. Love the idea of pumpkins in lanterns.
3. The shiny pumpkins are interesting. The silver is a little too shiny for me but I really like all the white and orange candy used as decor.
4. This is very sophisticated, I really like the real pears next to the wooden pear.
5. This wreath is so cute. I love the pumpkins made of twigs and the burlap bow.
6. I think this one is my favorite. I love the clean look and it can't cost that much to make. I think some leaves, paint and high quality paper. I might have to do something with this next year...hmmm...
7. White pumpkins with a white and gray chevron bow... can it get any more Kris ;)
8. More shiny pumpkins! I think it looks better in the orange shade.

Anyone else find any great ideas lately? :)

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