Monday, October 15, 2012

The Battle Against Our Stuff

When LJ and I moved in, a lot of our stuff was still at my parents' house (where we lived while shopping for a home) and in our storage unit. We knew we'd be fixing up the house and moving it all in right away would just mean it was in the way. So, we lived with our very basics while we worked on flooring, installed major appliances, started painting, ect. But it's been long enough and it's time for us to finish moving, so LJ (with the help of my brother) has started bringing over all the stuff from my parents' house.

Can I just say it is amazing how much stuff two people can accumulate? And we've moved 4 times since we've been married, getting rid of a lot of stuff each move. But we still have just boxes and boxes of stuff. The bad part is a lot of it isn't even in boxes. Which not only makes it harder to move, but it means when it gets here it is just piled wherever there is space. This house is basically 5 bedrooms, and now three of them are filled with stuff:
This picture doesn't even do it justice. To take it I'm standing in a pile of stuff that just explodes out of the closet. 

It's funny because we moved out of a 1,000 sq foot apartment to a 2,500 square foot you think there would be plenty of room! I know eventually after everything is settled it will be fine, but right now finding a place for everything is a little overwhelming. Part of our problem is a lack of furniture. We're big readers and we only own three bookcases. In our apartment we had three that we filled to the brim (like seriously books on top of books) and then one built in bookcase that was about 4'x9' that was packed. We lost the built in so now we really have more books than we know what to do with. We plan on building some built in bookcases in our formal living room, but we're not ready for that project yet. So for now we have to find all these books a good place to wait. 

I know it will turn out OK, I just had to share this picture because in most of the photos I clean up and so it may look like our house is squeaky clean while we work on it...and that is SO not the case.

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