Monday, January 7, 2013

Adoption: School is in Session

You may remember my post about how we are looking to adopt children (you can read it here). Well, only 4 months later we're starting the next step. What took so long? There are many reasons, but the main two are that our floors weren't done (I'll be posting on those soon!) and the classes move locations. But all of that is behind us and we're ready to get going. I'm pretty excited. 

Since I have many friends asking questions about the process, I figured I'd share my 'to do' list with you. Now, this may not be a complete list; I haven't finished going through the packet. But this will give you an idea of what we're looking at. There are 40 hours of classes and we're trying to get them all done in January. Let's just say I expect it to be a pretty busy month... (my notes are in italics)

  • Classes
    • AFI 1 (1/8/13)
    • AFI 2 (1/10/13)
    • AFI 3 & 4 (1/12/13)
    • AFI 5 (1/15/13)
    • AFI 6 (1/17/13)
    • AFI 7 & 8 (1/19/13)
    • Meds Class (1/14/13)
    • MCMT I & II (1/26/13)
    • CPR/First Aid (1/28/13)
  • Application
  • Reference Letters (4) - they will send form to names we provide
  • Criminal Background Check
  • NCIC Digital Fingerprints
  • TB Test
  • Fire Inspection (may require gas inspection)
    • Smoke detector installed in all bedrooms and in hallway near bedrooms
    • Need a screen in front of the fireplace
    • Need new lock for bathroom - must be able to be unlocked from outside in an emergency
    • In Houston you have to get a permit first: 713-859-4322
    • Inspector: 832-394-6919, 832-394-9083
  • Environmental Inspection
    • All medication needs to be locked - see if we can replace lock on cabinet
    • All expired meds thrown out
    • All cleaning fluids out of reach  - clean out area over washer/dryer and put there
    • No food on ground, even in pantry
    • No expired food
    • 5 lbs. Fire Extinguisher in kitchen with tag - need to buy
    • Evacuation Plan posted on wall
    • Foster License displayed on wall (after we get it)
    • Each mattress needs a protective covering (need kids bed first)
    • First Aid kit - need one
    • 3 Days worth of food - Make a tub and store in closet
    • All outlets need covers - buy
  • Marriage License
  • Proof of Education (Diploma)
  • CPR card (copy of front and back) - get at class
  • Medical Consent Online Class (we get instructions after application is sent in)
  • Psychotropic Medications Course
  • Driver Licenses
  • Auto Insurance
  • Floor Plan (with measurements of every room) - I have this in, we can just print it out
  • Property Sketch/Pictures of property
  • Short-Term Child Care Provider  - get parents to fill out application / take CPR classes

Some of that is easy (copy of drivers license) some of it is not hard, but time consuming (install a million smoke detectors) and some of it I have questions about (how do I get NCIC digital finger prints?). But I'm sure a lot of it will be made clear during the classes. The good news is that the application isn't due during the first class...which is good because that sucker is THICK. And they only give you a tiny bit a space to answer the questions so I'm going to have to answer them on a separate word doc. "Explain why you want to adopt children" - 2 lines of space to give answer... REALLY?

Anyways, my other project for this month will probably be starting on the nursery. There is a requirement to put a mattress cover on the child's bed. I'm going to ask, but this seems to me to imply that we first have to own a child's bed before we can be certified. Either way, I want to start on that room because I know once we actually have a child we will have a lot less time on our hands. I already have a mental picture of what I like, but I thought I'd share some of the pictures that have inspired my plan.

I want to use gray in the nursery, though not quite this dark. And I love the very simple white crib.
This has to do with a little idea I have for one of the walls... you'll have to wait and see what I do!
I love this 6 drawer dresser and the different drawer pulls. I need to start looking for a dresser we can refinish.
It's ambitious...but I'd love to do some string art on the wall. We'll see if this actually happens...
LOVE love love this rocker...but it isn't cheap. A girl can dream right?
Well, that's all I got for now. I promise to blog about the process later in the month, when we're in the thick of it. We're going to be fairly busy, so wish me luck!

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