Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I Heart This Glass Sculpture

This will be a very quick post... I just had to share something I think is beautiful. 

Even though it's out of my price range ($550 retail price - ouch!) I am in love with this glass sculpture:
Isn't that pretty?!?!?! It looks like a heart! I showed it to LJ:
Kris: Oh my gosh! Look at this! Isn't that beautiful!

Kris: It looks like a HEART!
LJ: um....that is true

So let's just say our taste is a little different. Well, it's WAY out of our price range, so it's not like we're even considering getting it anyways... but it's fun to look! You should check out the other piece by the artist:

Click here to visit their site

While the above is my favorite by far, there are many other pieces of beauty:

(these remind me of the emerald city in Wizard of Oz!)

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