Friday, May 31, 2013

Good Bye Landry's, Hello

So, if you haven’t already figured it out, or talked to me in person… it is time to officially announce that I am leaving Landry’s Inc. to start a new job at

When I tell friends that I’m leaving Landry’s their first reaction is normally shock. See, I have LOVED my time at Landry’s. Not many people really like their job (sadly) and I've been one of the lucky few. In the past year and a half I've talked about work entirely too much to everyone I know because I have really loved my job. I've enjoyed going to food photo shoots and creating ads and collateral. I've enjoyed learning the behind the scenes of the restaurant industry. I've even enjoyed the crazy amount of projects I handled at one time, and the satisfaction I got when I was able to keep everything organized and running smoothly. But what I've enjoyed the most, by far, are the wonderful people I've worked with. 

It's a beautiful thing to like the people you work with (especially considering the percentage of your waking hours you spend with them). But at Landry's I lucked out and found not only good co-workers, but I've made real friendships which will last beyond my leaving. Nothing's better than working with a bunch of friends, and that's what life became at Landry's. And that's what I'll miss most. I'll also truly miss working with Jenni, my new sister in law. Working with her gave me the unique opportunity to get to know her really well through she and my brother's courtship. 

But while I'm sad to leave the wonderful people I've grown to love, I'm also excited about the new challenge and adventure. My new job is very different from what I do now. is an internet company, meaning they only sell their product online. There are no physical stores you can go to, just their website. This excites me because all their marketing is Emarketing. While I've learned a TON from Landry's, I still have a lot to learn and Emarketing is one of the areas where I want to grow. I look forward to my new job and all the new personal growth it will bring. 

I know there are people who hate change. They like things as they are and are wary of changing them. While a small part of me worries about leaving a work environment that is so comfortable and enjoyable, the majority of me is excited about the change. I'm the type of person that LOVES change. I get excited about the prospect of learning new things and going new places. So while I'm honestly sad that today is my last day at Landry's, I know tomorrow I'll start getting excited about the change.

Oh, and I have a nice long 5 day weekend between the two you know what that means - LOTS of time to work on the house! I'm excited about those changes too!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited for you! Haha - change can definitely be fun (says the girl who has never had a full time job and currently holds 4 part time positions). (: Can't wait to hear all about it! Chance asked me "is she just following Eddy around?!?!"
