Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Adoption - Update

It's been a while since I wrote a post about where we are in the adoption process. This is mainly because for a while we were stuck waiting on the government. You may have noticed that one of the items on the 'to do' list is have a criminal background check done. Well, this isn't the quick background check that a new employer does, it's a lot more in depth. And you have to get one done in every state you've lived in for the last ten years. For us that meant Texas and DC. I don't know if you know this...but the government is not quick. And since DC is the home of the government it was no surprise to us that they took FOREVER. But the wait is over, we've been cleared and are able to keep working on the rest of the list. 

Last week we got our fingerprints done and now we're working on scheduling the fire and gas inspections.

Something that got added to the list is the Autobiography Forms (one each). Since we are so close to being finished with our to do list, our case worker has given us the forms to start on. They are kind of like the intro to the home study. They consist of 9 pages of questions that we answer. Their purpose is to give the agency and CPS a better idea of who we are. The questions are things like "Give three words that describe your personality", "What are your life goals?" and "What do you like best about your mother?" (not joking, that's a question). This form is going to take some serious time to fill out, so I'm hoping to work on it this weekend.

So, where does that leave us? Well... I'm not sure how long it takes to get the fire and gas inspections done. I hear it can take a while to get the city to come out and see your house. But assuming we can get that done in the next few weeks, I think we're only about 2-3 months away from certification. It's taking longer than I had hoped, but not nearly as long as I'd feared. I've heard of people waiting a year to be certified, so anything under that is a win.

To Do:
  • Classes
    • AFI 1 (1/8/13)
    • AFI 2 (1/10/13)
    • AFI 3 & 4 (1/12/13)
    • AFI 5 (1/15/13)
    • AFI 6 (1/17/13)
    • AFI 7 & 8 (1/19/13)
    • Meds Class (1/14/13)
    • MCMT I & II (1/26/13)
    • CPR/First Aid (1/28/13)
  • Application - Need to re-do the page about employment now that I have a new job
  • Reference Letters (4)
  • Criminal Background Check
  • NCIC Digital Fingerprints
  • TB Test
  • Gas Inspection
  • Fire Inspection
    • Smoke detector installed in all bedrooms and in hallway near bedrooms
    • Need a screen in front of the fireplace
    • Can bathroom door be unlocked from outside in an emergency
  • Environmental Inspection
    • All medication needs to be locked - see if we can replace lock on cabinet
    • All expired meds thrown out
    • All cleaning fluids out of reach  - clean out area over washer/dryer and put there
    • No food on ground, even in pantry
    • No expired food
    • 5 lbs. Fire Extinguisher in kitchen with tag
    • Evacuation Plan posted on wall
    • Foster License displayed on wall (after we get it)
    • Each mattress needs a protective covering
    • First Aid kit
    • 3 Days worth of food
    • All outlets need covers
  • Marriage License
  • Proof of Education (Diploma)
  • CPR card (copy of front and back)
  • Medical Consent Online Class
  • Psychotropic Medications Course
  • Driver Licenses

  • Auto Insurance
  • Floor Plan (with measurements of every room)
  • Property Sketch/Pictures of property
  • Short-Term Child Care Provider  
  • New: Autobiography Forms

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