Monday, June 10, 2013

Organizing our Bookcases

LJ and I both love to read. It's one of the few hobbies we have in common. This means that over the years we've collected quite a lot of books. While we go through them periodically and donate or sell many, we're still left with books I just don't have the heart to get rid of. This past weekend I reorganized all our books, so we no longer have piles and boxes of books laying around. 

To do so, first I had to purchase a new bookshelf. Since we hopefully will build built-in bookcases eventually, I spent as little as possible on a new bookcase at Target: $30 (not too bad).
These are pretty easy to put together. You only need a hammer and screwdriver.

When it came time to put it in place, I made sure to use the cardboard box it came in to protect my flooring.

Then I organized all my Fiction books:
And Non-Fiction books:

Here's the Fiction put in alphabetical order (by author) and back on the shelves. Notice I stole one of the shelves from the new book case in order to have a six shelf bookcase for the paperbacks.

And the Non-Fiction is now organized first by subject then alphabetically by author. I had some extra room so I brought some of our games out of the hall closet. Now they're easier to reach.

It's kind of silly how happy it makes me to have the books organized. I don't know if it's the OCD in me or just the fact that I can now find things when I want them, but I'm pretty pleased.

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