Friday, September 28, 2012

Ideas for the Half Bath

Well, I had a GREAT post planned for today on how I got rid of the cracks in my dining room walls...and then my USB  SD Card reader broke...which means I can't get to the pictures :( I just ordered another online but I wont get it until Tuesday. So that post will have to wait until Tuesday.

Instead I'm going to share some of my thoughts about the half bath. I previously posted with our problem of the old wallpaper not wanting to come off, and I asked you all for some advise. Well, quite a few people emailed me! There were lots of great tips (like scoring the paper and then putting a humidifier in the room for a while and sealing the crack under the door)! Advise was pretty much split between how to get the wallpaper off and the advise just to put up new paper. I know wallpaper has come back in style in the last few years and there is some really cute stuff out there. Someone even sent me a link to this site, which I'd never been to:

They are on the pricier end but have some GREAT paper. It's really made me consider just putting new paper up. Here is my dilemma now; with such a small space how do I pick a paper that wont make people dizzy. Everything I like has a lot going on, but I don't want it to be overwhelming. Here are a few that I think are so pretty:

Fern: Teal wallpaper

Precious: Teal Wallpaper

Viva: Blue Wallpaper

Desire: Teal Wallpaper
(I like this one b/c it's shiny...see below)
Desire: Teal Wallpaper 

This site is great, the paper isn't cheap by any means, but I've got such a small space I'm thinking maybe I could get a higher priced paper (maybe...). Or I can at least fine what I like and then search for something similar that costs a lot less. This site even lets you search by room type, but when I check out the paper they suggest for the bathroom it's just to blah for me. I mean this is the best one:

Looks great in the first picture (close up):
Spa : White/Light Blue Wallpaper

But then when you look at it from far away to me it just looks like there's something weird on the wall:
Spa : White/Light Blue Wallpaper

Maybe it would be best to get something like this because then it wouldn't be overwhelming... but it's so hard for me to go with something subtle (just not my style).

What do you think? 
We could always go totally crazy and do something like glow in the dark paper! (Don't ask my why these photos wont line up... they are acting ridiculous)

Eyelets – SpyEyelets – Spy

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