Monday, October 1, 2012

Early Christmas!

As the weeks have gone by and I've been working on this blog, I've also been begging LJ for a laptop. Sharing a desktop just isn't convenient, especially when you want to be able to sit on the couch and relax while you organize photos. I think I may have dropped a 'hint' 3-4 times a week...and when I say hint I mean I said "Man, I really really really want a laptop." We've had laptops in the past, but all of them broke in the last year. So, you can imagine how excited I was when LJ told me we were going to 'just look' at laptops yesterday. 

We ended up buying one (my super-early Christmas gift). :) I'm a happy camper. We went with the HP pavilion g6.
HP Pavilion g6-1d80nr Notebook PCWhy this one? Really it boiled down to two main reasons: 
1) I wanted an HP because our last HP laptop lasted 6 years, which is quite a long time for a laptop in my experience (especially if you're not buying super high end).
2) The price was right. Best Buy had it on sale for $349, list price is $499 - not bad!

So, we'll see how it goes, I'll probably do a product review of it after using it a few months. So far I really like the full sized key board and big screen. What can I say, I don't like tiny little computers that cram my hands into awkward little claws in order to be able to to type. 

Thanks LJ for my new toy!!!  

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