Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Making Progres...Slowly

I started this blog not only to share the successes in DIY world, but also the failure. Well, I wouldn't quite label this a failure, but it's definitely a disappointment.

I have some vacation days to burn so I took last Friday off with the express purpose of getting our Den painted. Here was my plan:
Friday - clean the wood paneling and then prime everything
Saturday - 2 coats of paint on the walls
Sunday - 2 coats of high gloss enamel on the trim

Did it work out that way? Not at all. It went like this:
Friday - spend almost all of the day cleaning the paneling (it was pretty gross), taking off the outlet faceplates, pulling out the 400 little nails in the walls that I never noticed before. The rest of the time was spent starting to prime the walls.
Saturday - Spent most of the time priming the walls and trim, then started cutting in with paint. Got half way through cutting in with the first coat of paint.
Sunday - finished coat number 1 on the walls, started coat number 2 (got 2 of 4 walls done)

Still left:
Need to finish coat number two...and probably put a third coat on the walls. Even using primer first and using paint with primer built in, that wood paneling still wants to peek through. After all three coats are done I'll need to paint all the trim... and there is a lot of it because we have that built in desk (and I'm guessing it will all need three coats as well).

So this is a during picture for you... I believe I was working on the second coat on this wall in this picture:

So there you have it, not only did I not finish, but I have another hard weekend worth of work left to do. Oh, and we've got plans this weekend and next one so we shall see how soon it gets done.

But that's life when you're fixing up a house, some projects are just going to take FOREVER.

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